Parent Consulting

While being a parent is one of the most natural things in the world, most of us have moments where we doubt our parenting abilities. We question how to handle a particular situation, wonder if our child’s behavior is developmentally appropriate or are afraid to enforce appropriate consequences. My parenting consultation services will provide you with the help that you are looking for.

There is no magic to being a successful parent, but there are time-honored practices that provide children with the love and support they need to thrive. I can help you learn what works to be an effective – and confident – parent. I will share with you simple yet easy to remember techniques for handling almost any parenting situation you will confront. I will coach you through how to effectively use them so that these skills will become automatic.You will find yourself struggling less, and enjoying your children more.

I will work with you to understand how setting limits, problem solving collaboratively and enforcing consequences will bring peace and harmony into your home. I will teach you how empathy and boundary setting will enable you to respond effectively in any relationship – not just in parenting. Learning how to use these key ingredients in all of your interactions with your children will empower you to become a confident – and effective – parent.

I can also help you explore your feelings about the way you were parented, and how memories of your own childhood affect the way you parent. It is important to understand your own experience with being parented, so that you can identify and retain what you value, and learn to let go of what you don’t.

In addition to one-on-one parent consulting, I also offer parenting education workshops and support groups, both in my office, and at off-site locations. As the host of a parenting workshop titled “Managing Toddler Meltdowns” at Kidville in Bethesda, MD, I was invited to appear on Channel 8’s “Let’s Talk Live”. My parenting tips for managing toddler meltdowns were also mentioned in the Huffington Post on March 27, 2012.

Please email me to set up a consultation and learn how I can help you become the parent you want to be!

Common Parent Concerns

  • The Transition to Parenthood
  • Effective discipline
  • Power Struggles
  • Preventing and managing temper tantrums
  • Stages of child and adolescent development
  • Differences in parenting styles
  • Peer relationships
  • Separation Anxiety
  • School Refusal
  • Developmentally appropriate behavior
  • Improve parent-child relationship
  • Increase children’s responsibility
  • Adolescent behavior
  • Communication techniques
  • Morning Routines
  • Sibling Rivalry
  • Bedtime and Sleep

Parent Consulting Process

  • Complimentary phone consultation to discuss your concerns
  • Initial meeting to identify areas of difficulty
  • Establish parenting and/or behavior goals
  • Design customized “treatment plan” targeting your concerns and steps to reach your goals
  • Meetings can take place in my office or by phone or skype.
  • Additional support via email is also offered
  • Follow-up to assess progress

“If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much.”
- Jackie Kennedy -

Let's Talk

Fill out your information for a free phone consultation where we will discuss your needs and goals for counseling.

How I Can Help

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